Each case is closely monitored to ensure adherence to timelines.
We engage professional proofreaders to provide an additional layer of quality assurance over our reports. We go to extraordinary lengths to ensure our independent medical assessments are industry leading.
Responsive to feedback
Stakeholder feedback is logged in an internal record management system and addressed via a formal feedback management process. This process includes appropriate acknowledgement, rectification and escalation points (if required) through to resolution.
As a key tenet in our continuous improvement strategy, periodically we engage our stakeholders in formal feedback surveys to help gauge our performance.
We host a series of professional seminars and networking events at intervals throughout the calendar year. These events are attended by a strong contingent of clients, specialists and broader stakeholders, providing a face-to-face opportunity to discuss current and emerging medico-legal industry requirements. Feedback received is reviewed on a team and individual basis with a view to enhancing service delivery.
We welcome all feedback and view it as an opportunity to reflect and refine our processes.